My Roommate Has ADHD - “HELP”

More than 4% of American adults have an ADHD diagnosis. Many others may know they are different but not yet know why.

Living with a person who has ADHD can come with its challenges. Being mindful that your roommate may be unable to control certain behavior in the same way you can is a good place to start. Learn how you can help them and stay more balanced yourself.

adult adhd

Awareness of ADHD Symptoms

Some of the ADHD symptoms in adults vary in severity. They can include:

  • Difficulty keeping attention

  • Becoming easily distracted

  • Anxiety and catastrophizing

  • Taking longer to get things done

  • Problems with time management

Certain behaviors can be due to inability and impairment and not because of a lack of motivation. Understanding this can help offset any frustration you may feel. Knowledge is power, so the more you can learn about ADHD the better.

The Term ‘ADHD’ (Sometimes Referred to as 'ADD')

ADHD is the recognized, medical name for the condition. This is whether a person displays symptoms of hyperactivity or not. ADHD (sometimes referred to as ‘ADD’) is a broad term with ADD being a now-outdated acronym.

People have used ADD to refer to inattentive-type ADHD. This has symptoms which consist of disorganization, lack of focus, and forgetfulness.

Seeking ADHD Treatment

Your roommate may be receptive to diagnosis and ADHD treatment. If they go down this road, their functionality is likely to improve quite dramatically. What’s important is that they feel in control of their care.

You can play an important role in their journey through suggestion and support. If they are afraid others will label them, for example, you can encourage them to discuss their fears with a qualified professional.

Medication for ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)

A practitioner may recommend a course of medication for ADHD. Let them talk things through with your roommate. They may suggest that someone with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder tries out a course of medication for a month or two, for example.

You can be a source of strength to your roommate by highlighting any positive changes and the impact these have on both your lives.

Understanding Adults With ADHD

It can feel natural to want to over help adults with ADHD. This can lead to resentment on both sides and can create an unhealthy dependency.

Lowering your expectations will help. Recognition that your roommate is never likely to meet a need you may have could save you from a lot of future stress. Try to let go of the "shoulds" and "oughts."

Make sure to create and maintain healthy boundaries. Living with someone with ADHD can make you feel that there is a lack of respect for personal space. You can help by creating healthy boundaries and learning to defend them.

The Importance of an ADHD Evaluation

Getting a diagnosis can be the first step on the road to improvement. That starts with an ADHD test. Remember to take care of yourself by making time that’s just for you.

Take our free online ADHD assessment to book an appointment with one of our ADHD experts.